20th April
@Kaffeebar Quentin, Kaiserstrasse 96, 1070
* 1 pm till 7pm market
* seller & diy artists
* radical infotables
* donation projects
Because of this fucked up birthdate we’re collecting money for Deserteurs- und Flüchtlingsberatung & rechtsextrem from MKOE!
* soli tattoo artists
– vanitatts https://instagram.com/vanitatts?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
– tttararism666 https://www.instagram.com/tttararism666?igsh=MXdjd3J0emJudnp0eg==
– lara.may.tattoo https://www.instagram.com/lara.may.tattoo?igsh=MW52d3prNmozbzVyaA==
* bar
* vegan buffet for free donation to pay rental costs of kaleidoskop
we are against all forms of discrimination
no traditions but morals