[Politbeisl] Presentation/Discussion: One tribe, but not always such a super vibe – about FLINTA* experience in the free/fee tekno scene @ekh

November 21, 2024 @ 20:00

Do. 21.11. | 20:00
Politbeisl: One tribe, but not always such a super vibe

Kája Hru (they/them)
Presentation and discussion about FLINTA* experience in the free/fee tekno scene

How many queer and FLINTA+ interprets did you see at the last freetek flyer or party you visited? Maybe one, maybe no one, right? Do you think is tekno scene progressive and equal for everybody? Unfortunately I am scared it is not!

Kaja made in 2023 article for student magazine Bublina about FLINTA+ people in czech tekno scene and they will present you about some things they get from this research and after would like to open discussion, how is it in scene in Austria or somewhere else.

Talk will be in english, german whisper translation is possible if needed.
